luni, 8 iunie 2009

new life .. new friends..

A couple of months ago I realised that I love dancing more than I thought .. it started when I went to a friend's crew .. it was great at the beggining but after 3-4 shows we realised that we are more different in the way we dance that we thought and finally we've left the crew ..

2 months later ..

I started my own crew with some friends and even now we are in that crew .. some of the old members from the first crew are in this one .. but not the ones who i don't get along with ...

Something about them ..
- Dragos .. he's a new member and does karate .. he's older than me(20) and I get along very good with him .. really nice fucking guy :D

- Bogdan ( Bobo) -> crazy mothefucka' .. he can do the front flip better than me and I practiced parkour with him a couple of years ago so I know him since like 3 years ago ..

- Robert ( Roby ) .. he is a bboy also like me .. new in the crew .. he is at the same highschool like me .. but younger than me by 2 years .. he chafe's in a moment :))

- Alex .. don't know much about him .. he is talented that i know for sure .. he can do many tricks and never says no .. that's what I like at somebody :D

- Diana => I know here from the first crew .. she is a good dancer and with a high inspiration at the rehearsals ..

- Mona .. I know her for some time now .. she is a new member and want's to learn more .. don't know what to say more about her :))

- Raluca .. another new member .. don't know much about her .. too :-??

- Florina .. the person who I get along the most from the crew and a good friend .. I love how she dances a lot and miss those days when I danced tango with her :-" .. the thing about her is that she wants more and more everytime we have rehearsals and she involves a lot in the dance and choreography .. gomd :-" :">

Everyone of them is special in it's own way and that's what I love about them ...

2 comentarii:

  1. si noi te iubim asa cum esti si multumim (zic yo din partea trupei) pentru ce ai scris despre fiecare dintre noi...

    istoria trupei..;))
